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Identity Check, a strong-plotted movie in progress by Ken Merrell
Nurse tries to stop a powerful casino manager from harming her imaginary daughter and those caught in his identity theft ring.
Initially she is homeless and delusional.
Along the way she risks her life and that of her street friends helping her.
In the end she begins to find her identity in the present.
Her change of character brings out a theme of losing yourself to find yourself.
In one sentence:
Nurse, a homeless delusional, tries to stop a powerful casino manager from harming her imaginary daughter and those caught in his identity theft ring, and in the process, risks her life and that of her street friends helping her, and begins to find her identity in the present, bringing out a theme of losing yourself to find yourself.
In short:
A homeless delusional tries to stop a powerful casino manager from harming her imaginary daughter and those caught in his identity theft ring.
Opening scene:
Talking to her imaginary daughter about the wrong being done to her by the casino manager, Nurse pushes a stroller down an alley where she sees a poster of a politician running for office. She sorts through the casino garbage and finds an expired credit card of the politician and puts it in her pocket.
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Marzio wants to be a great Roman leader and is in love with Lucilla, the granddaughter of Silla, who ordered the extermination of the Samnite race, but he's actually an adopted Samnite.
action, drama, romance
Plotsa Original
Three girls find lost fairy babies and start to gain powers, but evil creatures will stop at nothing to steal the babies back.
Plotsa Original
Shel is investigating a murder. His best clue is an old video game. The problem is, there's a ghost inside.
drama, horror
Plotsa Original
A homeless delusional mobilizes her street friends to stop a powerful casino manager from harming her imaginary daughter and those caught in his thriving identity theft ring.
action, comedy
Plotsa Original
Michael invents an electromagnetic frequency printer to replicate objects and living organisms, not knowing how powerful it is until it's stolen.
Plotsa Original
TBD (A Fish in Water Story)
His invention can create anything. Except a soul.
Plotsa Original
Tomatea, a stern, instructing father figure, tries to protect and prosper his people, and in the process risks his life and his status and becomes a forgiving, tolerant, leader, bringing out a theme of being willing to allow others the freedom of failure and growth.
action, drama
Plotsa Original
Long White Cloud
Mormon, Lost and confused, not sure how to act or where to go, tries to preserve a record of his people from his enemies, the Lamanites, and in the process Stays faithful against the Lamanites threats and against his friends betraying him. he trusts in the Lord to deliver him and Stays alive, becomes a successful in eve...
action, drama
Plotsa Original
Brittney, Shy but rebelious, tries to Make her life about Roblox, and in the process Risks her relationship with her brother and parent and banishment from Roblox servers and Saves the world and matures into a respectable person, bringing out a theme of Overcoming attitudes to become a young adult.
Plotsa Original
This is a Title
Pa's Story
Anna, una bambina che sogna di diventare grande e indipendente, ma deve aiutare la madre a lavorare, tries to suonare di nascosto il pianoforte nella casa nobile di un cliente, and in the process cerca di emanciparsi dalla madre and comprende che sua madre provava a difenderla, bringing out a theme of comprendere il pro...
Plotsa Original
Scontrosa Grazia
Dante, happy, tries to go on a field trip, and in the process risks his life and friendship, and gets better at strategy and teamwork, bringing out a theme of learning and coping.
Plotsa Original
Elder Heaps (or Zeke), His desperation in a search for a job to help finance his passion leads him to discover a misleading newspaper advertisement about being a caretaker for the aforementioned mansion, tries to The gameplay follows a fairly linear path in which the player must collect souls as they explore the mansion...
Plotsa Original
Elder Heaps review
The meriacle of knowing your Ancestors
Susan Fifita, giving a summary of her story, tries to She gives us a picture of what happen to her family, and in the process as she learns about her Ancestors her testamony grows and She bears her testomony of the gospel and her Ancestors, bringing out a theme of how they became members of the church.
Plotsa Original
Miracle of knowing our ansesters
The Sinner, having been exiled without knowing why, believing that this unknown sin is all his fault,, tries to having been exiled without knowing why, The Sinner goes on a journey to come to terms with his sin,, and in the process risks his relationship with his supposed friend, and believes he's not to blame and explo...
Plotsa Original
THE Graying Symphony
Dave, Runs up the side of a hill to the point of exh, tries to Find answers to his teenage stru, and in the process Prays for ans and Gets a sign from the Lord as to what he should do, bringing out a theme of Finding answers thru prayer.
Plotsa Original
​A Shooting Star and Two Words Story of Ins
Bob, Frustrated and hillarious, then scared as he encounters differnt struggles, tries to Go home from work but loses keys, and in the process risks his life but gains knoledge and friendship and finds his keys and feels empowered to do anything, like buy milk and not be pushed around by his cranky girlfriend, bringing ...
Plotsa Original
Keys please